Collection: Peony Season
Peony the queen of queens
Peony it is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world! it is incredible how an stuning and big flower full filled with silky elegant ruffles could get out from a very tiny bud, It is wonderful to enjoy the process seing them bloom they get completely stunning and their perfection amazes everyone. Appart of their perfect shape and breathtaking colous, they have a delicious sweet parfum that catchs you and makes you fall completely in love.
There is a large variety of peonies perfect for each taste however at Bimba Floral Studio our favourites are Angel Cheeks a double ruffle flower with a delicate pink tone and with shiny accents and the magnificent Coral, stunnign colour coral as her name says with cream accents that opens slowly becaming a goddess!!
There is around 40 types of peonies, which one is your favourite? During this period, late April to mid June, must of our compositions feature peonies and it is incredible how stunning could became any design just adding those queens!
After a very long wait Peony season is here, and we celebrating with our new collection. We hope you could enjoy it as much as we do.
Lots of love and peonies!