Romanticizing your life ❤ - bimba floral studio
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Romanticizing your life ❤

Romanticizing your life ❤

Romanticizing your life 

A few weeks ago we had to cover the flowers for an event in Lisbon, taking advantage of the trip we decided to stay for an express vacation and get to know Portugal. We had some wonderful days! We fell madly in love with Porto and the beautiful sunsets.

After some incredible days we prepared to return to reality, a subtle sadness involved me, my brain stopped focusing on the present moment to start making plans, lists of things to do and worry about what will be.

If you, like me, live in London, or in a big city, you will have realized that life flies by, there is always something to do, a lot of work and it is so competitive that when you agree you find yourself in a constant fight with yourself trying to be the best, because if you stop for a moment this city eats you up. Please don't get me wrong, I love London and I love living here, but when you travel to places like Amalfi, Cinqueterre or Porto (to mention a few), you feel how life stops and you enjoy every moment little by little.

Although I tried to fight against that feeling, and think about the positive of coming home, the feeling won me over and apart from the gray cloud over my head, a virus attacked me. I was in bed for several days, like in a bubble frozen in time, but today, I finally feel much better, not only physically, but in the depths, the joy returned to my room, and it was like that after upon reflection, I realized that the last few months (maybe years) I had spent my days dreaming of vacations and thinking that the best was yet to come, when in reality all we have is today.

In reality, we cannot base our happiness on the trips we make a couple of times a year or on the special occasions, we have to enjoy each day and make a pleasant moment in our daily life, because of those "normal" moments life is made.

And that made me arrive to the next question: How to make our day to day a moment to enjoy? and the answer is romanticize your life ❤

Romanticizing your life is to make it special every single day, to make our normality to be lovely, to be enjoyable, and even if it sounds complicated those are 5 very easy steps to start:

1. Waking up with positive energy
Taking a moment to breathe when you wake up in the morning, feeling each part of your body and being grateful to being here on a new day. Giving you the time to prepare yourself for a new day with calm and enough time to enjoy a nice breakfast.

2. Enjoying your meals
Taking the time to prepare your meals, trying to eat the healthiest as possible to feel good, remember that we are what we eat, so eat more vegetables and serve your plates nicely. But don't be too strict, it is okay if sometimes you want to have something sweet. Getting focused on the flavours, textures and delicious taste. Perhaps adding nice elements like a lovely plate or colourful glasses, and always serving your meals nicely.


3. Surrounding yourself with beauty

 You could start to have a clean and tidy environment.That will make you feel calm and to avoid the stress, also remember that your place is a reflection of your head, so to keep your mind calm keep everything in order, you could also add a nice mirror or candless with a nice perfume to give a nice and cozy environment.

4. Buying yourself flowers
Buying flowers for yourself  is pure joy! Once a week, get used to having fresh flowers in your home, or in your desk (workspace) weekly flowers. It is a fact that being surrounded by flowers makes you feel better, it helps your brain to produce dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. Flowers last around one week, so you could pick a day of the week to refresh your vases. That will make your place look wonderful and will definitely help you to have a good mood.

5. Be the protagonist of your life
Do not compare your life with others, instead focalize your energy in appreciate each part of your life and realize that your life is miracle, so the best you could do is start enjoying it, listening nice music that makes you feel happy, have a date with yourself ,don't wait for an special occasion, today is the occasion! Wear a nice dress, perhaps trying a new hairstyle, or simply feeling comfortable in your own skin. Celebrate every little achievement and smile to life.

I hope that these five steps can help you feel better, to enjoy being here, don't forget to go out into the streets of your city and observe each space with new eyes, as if you were a tourist walking, I'm sure that if you open your eyes wide and observe carefully attention something new you will find. Above all, remember that everything comes and goes, so the more you smile, the more life will smile at you.

I wish you a healthy, full filled with flowers, beautiful and romantic life.

Lots of love,

Nini 🌸